Eulogy of

Planet Earth

Trump – Endgame Politics

It was not the snipper bullet President Trump dodged that allowed him to defeat Kamala Harris and secure the White House, but the slogan MAKE CHINA PAY. It was a Pyrrhic victory that led to an all-out nuclear war with China and the total destruction of Planet Earth on August 6th 2026.


Chapter 1 - The Drums of War

Chapter 2 - Mutually Assured Destruction

Chapter 3 - MAD

Chapter 4 - The Departed Elite

Chapter 5 - Odysseus and the Departed Elite

Chapter 6 - A Brief History of the Departed Elite

Chapter 7 - A Brief History Continued

Chapter 8 - The World Saved from Annihilation… This Time.

Chapter 9 - Odysseus Put Up to Speed

Chapter 10 - Eulogy of Planet Earth

Chapter 11 - Odysseus’ Ultimatum

Chapter 12 - It’s the Final Countdown

About Author

I was born in Timmins, Ontario, Canada, of Irish and French descent. After uni, my first job was as an English teacher in a French-language high school. After teaching, I left Canada to travel throughout Europe… and I never came back.

Now retired, after a successful career as a realtor in Spain, I have taken up the long-postponed task (a labor of love) of dusting off the many books that I have written over the years, with the aim of getting them published.

As a writer, for as long as I can remember, my mind has been populated with imaginary friends. The reviews that follow have been written by some of those great faithful fans of mine. Without exception they are raving reviews… What else could they be?

‘Spell-binding. In the tradition of Swift, Orwell, Vonnegut, Heller and Voltaire, Caron gives us a caustic but not totally unforgiving satire that points a gnarled finger at the ways of the world. Its saving grace is expressed in the often repeated line: ‘Life is short, art is long.’

— Jamrach Holobom

Brilliant. In contrast to today’s class of mediocre politicians, the novel includes some of the most memorable and delightful characters of Ancient Greek Civilization and Mythology: Aristotle, Odysseus, Zeus, Hermes, Athena and the Nine Muses.’

— Ambat Delaso

Stunning. Look up the word AWESOME in Thesaurus. Every synonym that appears applies to Eulogy of Planet Earth. You cannot avoid reading it.

The Mad Philosopher

Captivating. The dialogue is so convincing as to make one believe that mythological characters such as Zeus, Odysseus, Athena and Hermes really exist. They could be one of your neighbours that you meet at Wal-Mart on Saturday morning.’

Chip Crisps.

Masterly. Don’t panic. Stay calm. It’s too late, the train has left the station. On Thursday, August 6, 2026, the USA and China will start the mother of all nuclear wars. You will always be able to say that you heard it from Caron first. Be one of the chosen few to be saved.’

Stramboli Stutts

Too Much. The front cover says it all: Dr Strangelove, Slim Pickens, the Bomb. The Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty lying in the sand. Ozymandias. Trump and the GOP. Mao’s Little Red Book transformed to Capitalism 101, with a Putin bookmarker. China in the driver’s seat. The Parthenon alone stands: the last symbol of hope of Western Civilization.’

Stramboli Stutts

Engaging and erudite. This seemingly simple novel asks a singularly very important question: how do we save ourselves from ourselves? Well worth an answer, don’t you think.’

— Aristotleson (Sukker Uffro)

Giddying. A high wire act that somehow works. How Caron manages to blend present day events with characters taken straight out of Ancient Greek Mythology is beyond belief. A tour de force. It cries out to be read.’

— Bishop Pope

Riveting. The breath, width and depth of Aristotleson’s delivery of the Eulogy of Planet Earth on the Cosmodemonic Telepathetic airwaves will shock you to the core. You need to hear it. Don’t miss it.’

Irene de Loppis

Absorbing. Scary…and crazy! All a bit too close to home. Were it not for the humour in it, this short novel would be a hard read. Reminds me of Orwell’s Animal Farm, without the animals…only the humans. It’s a gem. Read it.’

Arkansa Redoubt

‘Amazing. Trump’s lasso says it all. He has the GOP hog-tied, neutered and groveling. The great Shakespeare would say that he has it ‘cabined, cribbed and confined.’

The Man from Appomattox

Powerful. This great novel is truly a cocktail of very unlikely genre bedfellows: political thriller, satire, Greek Mythology and pre and post apocalyptic Armageddon fantasy science fiction. Read it. It will change your perspective on life.’

Martha da Boreen

Spot on. Well-informed, and where it matters most, historically accurate. In the absence of knowing with certainty what and who is out there in the vast endless universe, the places and characters in this novel are as plausible as any other science fiction speculation. Caron challenges you to prove him wrong.’

Boory the Bald

Mesmerizing from beginning to end. The scenes, characters and dialogue come at you from all directions all at once. It’s a roller coaster ride that you must to be on. Well worth the entry fee. Buy the ticket now.’

Studebaker Rolls

Deeply humane. Soothsayers, augurs, sibyls, prophets, punters and prognosticators take note. This novel has turned over one stone too many, looked too deeply inside the crystal ball, fallen too far down the well, and squeezed the inners of too many prized white bulls. Eulogy of Planet Earth foretells of an all too shilling apocalyptic world end.’ But there is still hope for you. Read it.

Ro Amil